Parent Perspective: The Right Fit

Parent Perspective: The Right Fit
Judy Le, Post Oak Parent

When we started looking at private schools, we did the research, talked with countless parents, toured numerous schools, analyzed our options diligently…and then applied to just one school. As a family, we decided that if we were to go the private school route, it would only be at Post Oak.

As we looked at our options, we came back to our own core values and what was most important to us for their early childhood education. We came to this: we wanted our kids to have academic rigor and, more importantly, we wanted them to love to learn. We wanted them to master critical academic subjects and, more importantly, we wanted them to be critical thinkers. We wanted them to be in a safe and nurturing environment and, more importantly, we wanted them to feel empowered to shape their own experiences and take risks. We wanted them to be surrounded by diversity and, more importantly, to learn about and celebrate differences. Post Oak was the right fit for us. 

Our kids entered Post Oak at ages three and five, and it has been a wonderful experience. It’s difficult to fully describe the experience, so let me list just a few of the highlights for us:

Responsibility and civility. Having lunch with my child always leaves me in awe. I watch as the children set their own place settings and serve themselves. When there is a guest, the children serve as “hosts.” We have a conversation that is equally silly and serious. And then they clear their plates, load the dishwasher, sweep around their tables, put away their things, and grab a book to read. I never knew lunch with 24 five-year-olds could be so civilized!

Consequences. My son has learned that if he forgets his homework folder on Monday, he doesn’t get homework. Sounds great for some! But he understands that means one less day to do it, and he’s not happy about that. My daughter has learned that when she uses up all the construction paper, her friends don’t have any left to use. I have learned to continue these lessons at home, and a common phrase we say in our family is, “When you make bad choices, you get fewer choices.” I love how these lessons are staying with them as they grow older.

Needing help and giving help. I had to get used to the idea that one classroom combines three grades. Now that my kids have been through three years of Post Oak, I have seen how helpful it is to be the youngest and have older kids model high standards of learning and behavior. And then I have seen them be the oldest and take responsibility for mentoring and teaching the younger students. What a gift!

Finding their voice. My kids were shy when they began at Post Oak. My son would go into anxiety attacks days before having to speak in front of a group. His first class play was performed with his eyes closed every time he was on stage. Last semester, he presented a group project in front of his class, and they received a standing ovation. I can’t tell you how much it means to us to see their confidence in themselves grow.

My professional background is in leadership and team development. I spent seven years doing leadership development at Rice University, working with some of the best and brightest college students. I can definitively say that the skills and behaviors Post Oak instills in students are critical to success for, and beyond, academic achievement. I want my kids to grow up to be active, engaged, and creative contributors to society. Post Oak reminds me that my kids already are. There are so many instances in our time here that have affirmed our decision to be part of the Post Oak community. 


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