Bearkats Robotics Team Attends First Ever Competition!

Bearkats Robotics Team Attends First Ever Competition!
Christy Hartman, Parent

Last Wednesday, the Bearkats Robotics Team participated in their first-ever robotics competition. They traveled to Clear Lake High School to compete with 25 other elementary school teams from CCISD (some of the most competitive teams in the region). There were lots of oohhhhs and aahhhhs when they first saw the impressive CCISD arena full of multiple fields, flat-screen TVs, colorful lights, and award-winning robots from previous seasons. 

It was a fast-paced tournament with great coordination, pressure, and ups and downs. The kids learned about the value of preparation and attention to detail. They experienced the thrill of competition and teamwork. They also got to see the other teams’ designs and came away with many ideas for new strategies and prototypes. 

Thomas L. said, “That was fun and challenging!” 

Parent Travelle Ellis commented, “It was interesting to see incredibly competitive kids get excited about a first outing and seeing success in picking up/dropping one block.”

Coaches Nathan Eror and Luis Yanez were very proud of their team and look forward to seeing what the kids come up with next. 

The team will take everything they learned and apply it to their robot and return for another competition next Thursday. We wish them good luck! 

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