Our Board

The Board of Trustees serve as custodians of the integrity of the school, holding in trust the school’s future as well as its present.

Their collective judgment respects the interests of constituents who are to come and of the larger society that all independent schools serve. It is responsible for establishing and reviewing the philosophy and objectives of the school, for effective implementation of the policies that it sets forth, and for the school’s fiscal well-being.

The board is comprised of a minimum of 12 members, selected from the parent body and the community at large, plus the head of school, who also serves as president. Each trustee is elected to a three-year term and is limited to three consecutive terms. Below are bios from our current trustees and trustees emeriti.

Head of School Maura Joyce and Board Chair Whitney Walsh

Board of Trustees

Whitney Walsh, Chair
Maura Joyce, President
Troy Thacker, Treasurer
Susanna Kartye,

Lara Leigh Bergoon 
Rob Bruce
TJ Farnsworth
Judy Le
Gabriel Loperena 
Jennifer Norten
Oscar Parada 
Damon Putman 
Sabina Walia
Jordan Zweig

Emeritus Members
Melissa Coleman
Adam Forman
Melanie Gray
Vean Gregg
Bob Harvey
Lloyd Kirchner
Pat Mitchell
Manolo Sanchez
Alison Wong
Alan Ying

Board Bios