School Closings & Other Emergencies

Inclement Weather

In the event the school must close because of inclement weather or emergency, the school will notify you by automated telephone calls, text message, and email from Blackboard Connect and by notice to TV. Tune in to local TV affiliates for ABC (KTRK), CBS (KHOU), NBC (KPRC), and Fox (KRIV).

Fire Alarm Procedures

For the safety of students and staff, the law mandates monthly fire drills. It is important that all students know appropriate fire evacuation procedures and treat each alarm seriously. This means that everyone should vacate the building whenever an alarm sounds. Failure to do so undermines the purpose of the alarm and puts students and faculty at risk. The cooperation of each community member is expected and appreciated.

If an alarm sounds

Students silently proceed out of the building following precisely any instructions given by staff members. All students and staff gather in the parking lot away from the building, where attendance will be taken. Staff members will check the building to ensure that all students have been evacuated and are accounted for. Students may not re-enter the building until dismissed by a staff member.


Each year the school will review with students the school’s fire, severe weather, and security procedures. In addition, the school will conduct drills to practice what to do in the case of each type of emergency in various locations. Because MDC students often work at separated facilities during the school day, our liaison at each partner institution will be aware of our safety procedures to ensure smooth communication with school personnel in the event of any emergency. School faculty on site at a partner institution carry a radio or cell phone to communicate with the school office if necessary.

In the event of an emergency at the school, the staff members will work to account for each student. If you are trying to get information about a student, please contact the school office. Students using their cell phones during an emergency while staff members are trying to give instructions makes what is a dangerous situation only more so. As soon as is possible and appropriate, the school will facilitate calls home for each student. At all times, the faculty will act to promote and ensure the safety and security of each student.

As the situation permits, students and faculty will gather at the prioritized places below:

  • For an evacuation of the school building, students gather in the parking lot. If students must take shelter away from the school buildings, they will proceed to the sites listed below (see campus evacuation.) Teachers and assistants will lead YCC students by the hand to their designated area.
  • In the event of a tornado, students will assemble in restrooms, storerooms, and other areas away from windows and sit with their heads down.
  • In the event of a campus security breach (e.g., intruder, bomb threat) including such a breach anywhere in the vicinity, students will stay with their teacher and follow the staff member’s directions.

Communication during an emergency

The school will communicate with parents via email and telephone using the Blackboard Connect system to keep you informed. The school will test this system annually; it is important that your contact information and profile is up-to-date in My BackPack.

Blackboard Connect will inform you about how to contact us. Depending on the circumstances, communications may be limited: even if the school phone lines remain open, they will be tied up if there are multiple calls that come in at the same time.

  • Our first priority in the event of an emergency is to ensure that students and school staff are safe.
  • Our second priority is to contact parents and to keep you informed.

The school maintains contact with the Police and Fire Departments in the event of emergency and follows their instructions.

Emergency Management Plan

The emergency management plan will be implemented in response to situations that require us to evacuate the school buildings or the campuses, or to shelter in place. Examples of such situations include fire, severe weather, toxic spills, or acts of war.