
To help children be most successful at school, Post Oak will administer specific over-the-counter medications to children per manufacturer’s label (dose, route, indications, time) at parents’ request, so long as permission is granted via Magnus.

No medication will be administered without parents’ consent and no medication will be given outside of the manufacturer's label. No medication will be given to children who meet the criteria for exclusion from attendance, unless it is for comfort measures prior to parents’ arrival to take their child home. Over the counter medication administration is a courtesy of Post Oak to recognize that children are able to be most successful at school when they are not distracted by physical symptoms of discomfort not related to communicable illness.

If your child requires medication, please confer with your doctor and, if possible, obtain medication that can be administered twice daily, in the morning and in the evening at home. Medication prescribed to be taken three times daily should be taken in the morning, after school, and before bed. It is recommended that the first dose of any medication be given at home where the parent can monitor the effects.

  • Medications are considered to be any pills, liquids, inhalers, sprays, eye drops, ear drops, cough drops, or topically applied creams or ointments that are expected to relieve symptoms.
  • Any prescription or over-the-counter medication must be accompanied by a completed Medication Dispensing Form uploaded to Magnus.
  • All medications must be kept in the clinic.
  • Only insulin, asthma reliever inhalers, emergency epinephrine, or special emergency medications will be allowed as self-carry medications in accordance with school policy. All other medications must be administered by the nurse or staff member responsible for the child.
  • The school will administer the medication only as stated on the label instructions, or as amended in writing by the child’s physician.
  • Expired medications will not be given.

Delivering Medication to School

For student safety, all medication should be brought to the front office or to the school nurse by a parent/guardian; however, controlled substances, such as medication for ADHD and some prescription pain medications MUST be brought to the front office and counted/signed in by the parent/guardian. Contact the school nurse if you are not sure if your child takes a controlled medication. Do not, for any reason, send medication to school in your child’s lunch box or backpack.

Field Trips and Travel

For field trips, medications must be delivered one week prior to departure to the school nurse or to the school office in the original container, labeled with the child’s name, date, current dosage, directions for administration, the physician’s name, and pharmacy name. No expired medications will be administered. Separate Medication Dispensing forms must be on file in Magnus for each medication.

Supplements and Other Medications

Homeopathic medications, dietary supplements, and herbal supplements will be given only if all of the following requirements are met:

  • Medications/supplements must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and appear in the United States Pharmacopeia.
  • Medications/supplements must be in their original, properly labeled container.
  • A written request will be required from a physician or other healthcare professional with authority to write prescriptions to administer approved non-prescription, homeopathic medications, herbal substances or dietary supplements when such medications are to be administered at school.

Traditional over the counter medications not covered in Magnus or per parents’ request will be given if all of the following requirements are met:

  • The medication must be supplied by the parent and accompanied by written permission.
  • Medications must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and appear in the United States Pharmacopeia.
  • Medications must be in their original, properly labeled container and labeled for dosage appropriate to the student’s age and/or weight.
  • Only medications that cannot be given at home will be given at school.
  • A written request will be required from a physician or other healthcare professional with authority to write prescriptions to administer approved non-prescription medications for (10) consecutive school days or more.

Medication Retrieval

Medications stored in the school clinic must be picked up by the parent/guardian before the last day of school. No unused medication will be sent home with a student and any unused medication left at the end of the school year will be destroyed.