Grade Levels
This section is comprised of a set of Resource elements set to single and grouped within a container. There is one introductory element and one element for each grade level. To edit one of the elements:
Image Size:
- Click into the element settings
- Click Browse to select a new image
- Click +Design
- Update the title and connect the learn more link from the header content (eg. Early Childhood, learn more)
- Update the grade level from the footer content (Primary, 2 1/2 - 6)
- Save
The voices section is comprised of a tabbed element where each tab is designated for a specific constituent group. Within each tab are two resource elements each connected to a gallery that contains a set of quotes.
1. Create a gallery for each group (Students, Staff, Alumni, Parents)
2. Add images/quotes to the galleries
- Add an image (565 x 600)
- Add the quote and the citation.
- The citation should be italicized and directly follow, on the same line, as the quote text
- Add the link text (Student Stories) on a new line
Pro Tip: Follow the format of another quote to be sure the formatting is correct.
3. Go to the first tab and connect both resource element to the gallery for that group of constituents
Learning Outside Boundaries
This section is created with a combination of content and post elements. The use of posts for this section allows for some flexibility in the setup. This is one recommendation.
- Create a Board for the Programs that will be highlighted
- Create a tag for each program location (Local, US, Europe, Central America, Asia) The tags won't show on the page but will be used to filter the desired posts into each section.
- A post may needs to be created to do this.
- Create a post that includes:
- Summary text
- Thumbnail image
- Body Copy
- Tag (this will be use to filter the posts)
- Category (the category..
- From the homepage, update each of the content elements with summary text. The elements are in the same order as the tabs (Local, US, Europe, Central America, Asia. Note that the maps are background images in the settings of each element.
- Goto the tabbed element and select the first panel
- Select the settings of the post element inside the panel
- Click +Content Filters
- Select the Programs Board
- Select "Specific Tags" and then choose the tag (s) that correspond to the posts that should display in that section
- Save
- Go to each tab and repeat the process until all of the post elements are filtered properly
Recent News
This section is created from the Posts Module. It's designed to scroll through a series of posts. A link to All News connects to an interior news page that you create. Once set up, this section can be maintained entirely from the board where the posts will live.
- Create a board for your homepage news
- Create a Posts that contains a title, summary, thumbnail image, and body copy
To set up the homepage
- Scroll until you find the recent news
- Click the Gear
- Click +Content Filters
- Click Browse to select the Homepage News (or desired) board
- Click +Design
- Go to the Footer and link All News to an interior news page (you will need to create this page)
What's Happening
This section is created from a series of custom content elements. To maintain the formatting of each statistic, we recommend updating each from the html of the content element.
To update an element:
- Copy the custom class from the desired icon (Link to List of Icons)
- Click into an element
- Click the html </> from the editor
- Highlight the red text and paste the custom class of the new icon
- Replace the statistic between the <h3> tags
- Replace the description between the <p> tags
- Save
To add additional statistics to the slider, copy one of the elements and paste it within the container.