Enrichment Programs

Elementary students in after-school class

The After-School Enrichment Program (ASEP) is intended to enhance your child’s experience at The Post Oak School.

Each semester we offer a variety of after-school classes that are consistent with the interests and developmental needs of the children. Classes have included chess, fencing, coding, tennis skills, cooking, sewing, hula hoop fitness, soccer, and more. Most ASEP classes are led by Post Oak faculty and some are led by qualified outside professionals.

Registration is available just before the fall and spring semesters begin through My BackPack. Current families, please visit the Parent Portal to learn more about ASEP.

Examples of Classes


Upper Elementary children will have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of art materials with an emphasis on clay and ceramics.


Chess is a classic game of strategy, invented more than 1,500 years ago in India. Chess is also a teaching tool that stimulates children’s minds and helps them to build skills while enjoying themselves. As a result, they become more critical thinkers, better problem solvers, and more independent decision makers. This class is open to both beginning and experienced chess players at all levels.

Coder Kids

Computer programming is the skill of the future, and we’re getting children ready! The children in this class will learn basic coding skills through activities on websites, apps, and hands-on games. The main focus of the class will be learning strong logic and sequencing skills so they are fully prepared for more difficult topics like making games and animations in Scratch. By the end of class, children will have worked through multiple levels of our “Young Coders” curriculum.

Cooking with Sandra

Travel around the world on a culinary adventure! Upper Elementary Lead Teacher Sandra De Leon will guide students in preparing foods from countries all over the world. They will learn the names of the different dishes being prepared as well as the ingredients that go into them. During class, children will practice measurement and volume, talk about where each dish originates, the types of spices used, and participate in the preparation and clean-up of the meal. Skills learned will enable the students to prepare simple dishes at home for the family. This class also includes some crafts projects. Meals made will offer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian choices.


Fencing is the sport of knights and swashbucklers. We will teach you to move like a fencer, wield your sword and compete with your classmates. Houston Sword Sports is for beginning and experienced fencers in lower and upper elementary. Fencing fosters creativity, self-discipline, physical and mental quickness, and good sportsmanship. Closed toe athletic shoes are required.

Post Oak Performers (P.O.P)

This group aims to take our work in music a step further. P.O.P. music class will combine singing, creative movement, instruments, and improvisation in creating unique musical experiences that we will perform for our school community.

Library Knits

Learn to knit and chat about what books you are reading. Participants will learn the basics of knitting and complete a minimum of one project as their skills develop and their interest builds.

Sewing Class

Beginning children will learn basic hand sewing, basic embroidery stitches, and be introduced to the sewing machine and how it works. Each child will make their own needle case and pincushion to use during class. Children will learn how to use the sewing machine to construct simple pillows and drawstring bags.


Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s soccer program with a focus on character development. Our caring team positively impacts children’s lives on and off the field through best-in-class coaching, curriculum, and communication. Our coaches are the best-trained in the business. Our expert-approved curriculum is age-appropriate and aligns with childhood education standards.

Montessori Model United Nations

Post Oak also offers students in Upper Elementary through High School the opportunity to participate in Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN). Watch this video from MMUN featuring Post Oak students Noor and Reisha.

And read about Middle School students’ Model UN experiences in New York.