Enrichment Programs
The After-School Enrichment Program (ASEP) is intended to enhance your child’s experience at The Post Oak School.
Each semester we offer a variety of after-school classes that are consistent with the interests and developmental needs of the children. Classes have included chess, fencing, coding, tennis skills, cooking, sewing, hula hoop fitness, soccer, and more. Most ASEP classes are led by Post Oak faculty and some are led by qualified outside professionals.
Registration is available just before the fall and spring semesters begin through My BackPack. Current families, please visit the Parent Portal to learn more about ASEP.
Montessori Model United Nations
Post Oak also offers students in Upper Elementary through High School the opportunity to participate in Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN). Watch this video from MMUN featuring Post Oak students Noor and Reisha.
And read about Middle School students’ Model UN experiences in New York.